When Do Hummingbirds Arrive In Oklahoma?

when do hummingbirds arrive in oklahoma

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It’s always exciting when the arrival of hummingbirds signals the start of spring in Oklahoma! It’s one of nature’s finest displays and we can all look forward to a swirl of jewel-tone wings hovering outside our windows as these tiny birds fly by. We hope this blog post helps open up your eyes to some key information about when do hummingbirds arrive in Oklahoma. So that you can be ready for their eventual arrival!

When Do Hummingbirds Arrive In Oklahoma?

Hummingbirds are always a welcomed sign of spring in Oklahoma! These tiny birds, weighing as little as two to three grams, make the journey of up to 3,000 miles from Central America and Mexico each year.

Generally, the ruby-throated hummingbird is the most commonly seen species in Oklahoma and they are among the earliest migrants to arrive each spring.

Hummingbird sightings have been recorded as early as mid-March in some areas, but most commonly show up around the first week of April. Migratory male hummingbirds usually arrive just before the female hummingbirds, typically coming through between April and May. The majority of hummingbirds will stay in Oklahoma until late September or early October when they start their migration south for the winter. 

However, a few hardy species may linger in mid-November or even December if the weather is mild. Once spring arrives again, these birds will return to Oklahoma, with most arriving by early April. 

Get To Know The Hummingbirds Of Oklahoma 

Broad-Tailed Hummingbird:

The Broad-tailed Hummingbird is one of the most widespread species in Oklahoma, with sightings reported from all corners of the state. Its distinctive features include a bright green throat and iridescent feathers on its back. It is also known for its loud chirping sound, which it makes by rapidly vibrating its tail feathers.

This species is commonly spotted during the spring and summer months when they migrate south from their wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America. 

Read More: When Do Hummingbirds Arrive In Illinois?

Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds:

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is one of the most beloved species in Oklahoma due to its vivid red throat patch (or gorget). This species can also be identified by the white tips on its outer tail feathers, as well as its slightly larger size compared to other local hummingbirds.

During the summer months, this bird can typically be found in gardens and other flowery areas throughout the state where it feeds on nectar from native plants like columbine and bee balm. 

Rufous Hummingbirds:

The Rufous Hummingbird is one of the hardiest species in Oklahoma and can be spotted during winter months when other hummingbird species have migrated south for warmer climates.

Though a bit smaller than the Ruby-throated, this species has reddish-brown feathers on its upper parts and bold white stripes on its throat. Its call is somewhat louder and harsher than other hummingbirds, making it easy to distinguish from its peers.

During the winter months, this species can often be spotted at backyard feeders where they are attracted to sugary nectar. 

Read More: Broad-Tailed Hummingbird: Everything To Know

when do hummingbirds arrive in oklahoma?

Black-Chinned Hummingbird:

The Black-chinned Hummingbird has an unmistakable dark black chin which makes it easy to spot among other hummers in your backyard or garden. It also has an iridescent green back, white breasts with thin streaks along its sides, and long slender wings that make it look like a miniature hawk soaring through the air!

In addition to nectar from flowers, this bird also enjoys feasting on small insects such as spiders and wasps, so you may see them hovering near trees or bushes where lots of bugs are present. 

Plants That Attract Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds typically arrive in Oklahoma during the spring months, usually from mid-March to late April.

To attract hummingbirds to your yard, you can plant a variety of flowers that they love such as trumpet honeysuckle, cardinal flower, columbine, hollyhock, bee balm, petunias,  coral honeysuckle, red buckeye, American columbine, Indian paintbrush, beard tongue, bee balm, trumpet creeper, tall garden phlox, and penstemons.

Read More: Giant Hummingbird: Everything To Know

Hummingbirds also enjoy fruit-producing shrubs such as serviceberry, coralberry, and winterberry. You can also hang nectar feeders filled with a solution of one part white sugar to four parts water. Changing the solution every 3-4 days will help discourage the growth of bacteria.

Finally, make sure your yard provides plenty of perching spots, like small trees and shrubs. By providing the right atmosphere, you’ll have hummingbirds visiting your yard all summer long!

Hummingbird Feeding Tips For Oklahoma Residents 

Choose The Right Hummingbird Feeders 

Choosing the right feeder is key for attracting hummingbirds. There are several types of feeders available, so you must choose one that meets your needs.

If possible, opt for a large feeder with several compartments, as this will allow multiple birds to feed at once. Additionally, make sure that the perch size on the feeder is wide enough for hummingbirds to easily rest.

It’s also important to select a feeder that has drainage holes so that excess water doesn’t collect in the compartments and spoil the nectar inside.

Position Your Feeder Strategically 

When positioning your feeder, make sure it’s easily visible from your window or patio area so you can enjoy watching the birds while they eat. You should also position it away from any potential predators such as cats or other animals who may try to harm them.

Additionally, place it somewhere close enough to trees or shrubs where they can take refuge if needed but far enough away so they don’t become too comfortable and start nesting near your home or garden beds.

Finally, position your feeder in an area with plenty of sunlight – this will help keep their energy levels up throughout their day-long feeding sessions! 

Read More: Bumblebee Hummingbird: Everything To Know

when do hummingbirds arrive in oklahoma?

Provide The Right Nectar             

Hummingbirds prefer nectar made from sugar water rather than store-bought mixes. – these mixes often contain additives that aren’t good for them and can even be toxic over time!

To make your nectar mix at home, simply dissolve 1/4 cup of white granulated sugar into 1 cup of boiling water – let cool before filling up your hummingbird feeder and remember to change out the nectar every 3-5 days or whenever it starts looking cloudy or discolored (this will ensure no bacteria are growing inside).

You should also avoid using honey or artificial sweeteners – both can cause digestive problems in hummingbirds due to their high levels of calories and unnatural ingredients, respectively. 

Read More: How To Feed Hummingbirds In Freezing Weather?


 Whether you’re looking for a colorful gorget or an insect-eating expert, there’s sure to be a hummingbird species that fits your fancy! With a keen eye and patience, you too can get to know these beautiful birds better by observing them in their natural habitat. With so much diversity among hummingbirds across our state—you’ll never run out of things to discover about these fascinating little creatures!

Dawn Caffrey

Dawn Caffrey

Hummingbirds just make me happy - in fact, I read somewhere that they represent happiness in Native American totems.
Let me tell you what I found about feeders from treating the hummingbirds in my back yard.